
News, notes and features from the Tahoe Chamber

40 under 40: Darin Haworth, Summit to Shore Chiropractic

  Tahoe Chamber  |   March 27, 2018   |   40 Under 40

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The health profession is constantly changing as we continue to learn how the body works and it keeps me on my toes regarding what I can do to help provide my patients with the best care they deserve and need.”

We’re excited to announce this week’s 40 under 40 honoree is Tahoe Chamber board member Dr. Darin Haworth DC, MS, CCSP, owner and operator of Summit to Shore Chiropractic. Dr. Darin is a motivated young professional who is passionate about chiropractic health care and providing the best care to his patients. Congratulations Darin!

Can you tell us a little about your responsibilities and accomplishments in your current position?

My responsibilities include running a small chiropractic medical practice, as well as being a great clinician to my patients, which are two very different hats to wear. The office and business work that comes with establishing and starting your own business is very much a learning process. Compliance with additional agencies is a constant concern like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or patient confidentiality and Medicare rules and regulations. The clinical side of things is a lot more enjoyable to me since that is what I went to school for. The health profession is constantly changing as we continue to learn how the body works and it keeps me on my toes regarding what I can do to help provide my patients with the best care they deserve and need. When it comes to accomplishments, as a chiropractor, I received my Master’s Degree in Exercise and Sports Science when I did my doctorate degree. I also earned my Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner certification, which is unique in that I am the only chiropractor who is a certified sports chiropractor in the entire Tahoe Basin.

DarinHaworthWhat has been your favorite professional moment in the last year?

I moved to a new location, same building but a different suite. I was previously splitting office space and time with another chiropractor. With the new location, it is 100% my own and it gives freedom and me a little bit more of that “my own business” feel.

Do you have a professional/life mantra that you try to live by?

I chose the slogan for my practice from what I want and what many people want here in Tahoe. “We help you live the Tahoe Lifestyle.” Everyone, including myself, came and stayed in Tahoe for a reason and that usually involves being outside and active. I want to keep myself moving and healthy so I can keep doing what I love here in Tahoe.

Why choose Tahoe to make your home and career?

Long story short, I love mountains and outdoor activities and my wife grew up in Sacramento. This made it possible for her to be close to home, her family and we get our outdoor activities. I know it sounds simple, but I was given the advice to practice where I want to live. I could not think of a more appropriate place for me than Tahoe.  Also, a business opportunity came up in Tahoe that helped me get things started.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work and where is your favorite South Shore stomping ground?

Depends on the season and what I’m doing. I ski, mountain bike, and hike and a lot of it is with my wife and/or our dog, Macy. For skiing, Kirkwood is awesome. For biking, I like the Cold Creek area. For hiking just above Emerald Bay area and into Desolation Wilderness is always nice to get away without having to go very far.

What was your first job?

My first job was delivering newspapers and having my own lawn mowing business as a very young kid. My parents taught me how to work at a young age, which I am very grateful for, and I can say I’ve had a job since elementary school.

Are you active in any volunteer roles or community groups?

I am involved in various groups on the South Shore. I am a Scoutmaster with one of the local scouting troops, an active member of Tahoe Regional Young Professionals (TRYP), an active member of Lake Tahoe Business Referral Network, and a board member of the Tahoe Chamber. I also am an active member of Entrepreneur’s Assembly, which is a great group to get together with and discuss challenges and successes as a business owner. I have also been able to look for chances to volunteer my services with those in the community at various sporting events.

Get in touch with Darin today:
Summit to Shore Chiropractic

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