

News, notes and features from the Tahoe Chamber

Show Your Local Love Year Round!

  Tahoe Chamber  |   January 22, 2019   |   Community News

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As we head in to 2019, the Tahoe Chamber would like to grow the GO Local Tahoe movement even further. We are asking our community to think locally all year round by participating in our new GO Local Loyalty Program. The Chamber will be promoting a new GO Local effort called “Tahoe Tuesdays”. Each Tuesday guests that have a GO Local Tahoe “loyalty card” will be eligible to receive discounts, specials or value-added promotions just by showing their card at participating businesses.

Businesses that want to offer a “Tahoe Tuesday” deal will get a special listing on the Tahoe Chamber website along with your logo and a description of what you are offering on Tuesdays. We will also be promoting our participating business through our@GOLocalTahoe Facebook page as well as other marketing outlets throughout the year. This new promotion is free for all Tahoe Chamber members to participate in. You can offer any sort of promotion you would like and that promotion will be valid each Tuesday all year long. There is no need to update the deal weekly, monthly or even quarterly…this is an easy way to get a little extra exposure for your business as well as some extra foot traffic on a Tuesday!

Tahoe Tuesdays will be live starting Valentine’s Day, February 14th on TahoeChamber.org.

Buy your GO Local Loyalty card now

Submit a “Tahoe Tuesday” Deal

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