

News, notes and features from the Tahoe Chamber

CEO Message: October

  Trent Unruh  |   October 6, 2023   |   Monthly CEO Message

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VHR’s – Vacation Home Rentals – can be a loaded subject, whether you are for or against. The
Tahoe Chamber can be counted on to provide vetted, factual information on this subject, and
below is an example of the letter we sent to the Douglas County Commissioners regarding a
petition to ban VHR’s in the Tahoe Township. The Tahoe Chamber opposes such a measure
because of the important economic benefit that the Transient Occupancy Tax provides to all
residents of Douglas County. I have also included links to the FAQ page that the Douglas County
Managers office has put together.

Dear Commissioners:

Those pushing to qualify a VHR ban are using unsubstantiated and erroneous information in an
effort to secure signatures. Below are some examples:

There would be no negative fiscal impact on the County, businesses, or local organizations from
a ban on VHRs.

Reducing/eliminating VHRs would lead to increased hotel occupancy which could offset lost
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue.

Reducing/eliminating VHRs would free up housing for those who work at businesses, the school
district, government agencies, resorts, and potential residents in Douglas County.

These statements are false. They have no basis in fact. The County staff report prepared
for this agenda item provides more accurate information.

As before, we respectfully urge the Board of County Commissions to stay the course
with your VHR Program, VHR enforcement efforts, and the continued engagement of
your VHR Advisory Committee in on-going conversations.

In addition, so that you can make accurately informed decisions regarding the value of
the VHR sector to the County’s economy, we further urge you to commission a study that
explores and identifies this value. We believe such an analysis will refute the misleading
statements being made by VHR ban proponents in recent newsletters, blogs, and during the
signature gathering efforts that their initiative would have no negative impact on the County,
businesses or organizations.



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