Category: Monthly CEO Message

Tahoe Chamber CEO MESSAGE

CEO Message: October

October 6, 2023
    Monthly CEO Message

VHR’s – Vacation Home Rentals – can be a loaded subject, whether you are for or against. The Tahoe Chamber can be counted on to provide vetted, factual information on this subject, and below is an example of the letter we sent to the Douglas County Commissioners regarding a petition to ban VHR’s in the […]

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Tahoe Chamber CEO MESSAGE

CEO Message: August 2023

August 15, 2023
    Monthly CEO Message

DEI – what it is, and why it matters to you. WHAT DOES DEI MEAN? DIVERSITY Diversity is the presence of differences within a given setting. In the workplace, that can mean differences in race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, abilities, and socioeconomic class. EQUITY Equity is ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, […]

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CEO Message: July 2023

June 23, 2023
    Monthly CEO MessageUncategorized

Trust for business edges out trust for government in the United States, according to the 23rd online survey conducted by Edelman, a global communications firm. Overall, business was the only institution seen as “competent and ethical” in the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. In the United States, there was a 13-point difference between trust in business […]

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CEO message: April 2023

April 4, 2023
    Monthly CEO MessageUncategorized

For this month’s CEO message, I want to focus on a topic that might not be what you think of immediately as pertaining to business, but it could certainly have an impact on someone you know. The No Surprises Act protects consumers from receiving surprise medical bills when they get most emergency services, non-emergency services […]

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CEO Message: March 2023

March 15, 2023
    Monthly CEO Message

It’s the economy… Below is a link to a presentation on the current state of the U. S. economy, provided by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (the Tahoe Chamber is a member) that you might find interesting, but here are a few highlights: The economy is stronger at this point than most expected. If there […]

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CEO Message: February 2023

February 1, 2023
    Monthly CEO Message

As we think about what the New Year might hold for the tourism industry, it’s helpful to recap how the industry fared over the last year to see where we are heading. 2022 brought a rebound in the travel industry nationwide with the continued rollout of vaccines and easing of pandemic travel restrictions. There was […]

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CEO Message: Destination Stewardship

September 14, 2022
    Chamber NewsMonthly CEO Message

It’s September – our kids are back in school, Fall is in the air and the blur of summer is (mostly) behind us. This seems a good time to reflect on the joys of living in the Tahoe Basin and look forward to how we can preserve it. Along those lines, you will no doubt […]

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Seek Wise Counsel

July 6, 2022
    Monthly CEO Message

Making beneficial, effective decisions on behalf of others requires the advice of wise counsel. This means finding a group of mentors and experts who know the journey. A survey from The UPS Store found, “70 percent of small business owners that receive mentoring survive for five years or more, double the success rate of those that do not […]

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